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Monday, May 14, 2007
I'm down with Knocked Up
I went into Knocked Up with very high expectations. I tried not too, but I just love everything these guys do. With Judd Apatow at the helm and Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan on board, how can you go wrong? You can't. Knocked Up rose to the occasion and kept me laughing for two hours. Like 40 Year Old Virgin, Judd mixes the hilarity with a strong story and satisfies on every front. The funny scenes are incredibly dense- every line makes you laugh- and though the story deals with potentially sappy material, the scenes always seemed fresh and genuine. Judd's wife, (Leslie Mann), and kids, (Maude & Iris Apatow), are in the movie too, (playing Paul Rudd's wife and kids), and they're hilarious. Judd really does have the cutest kids. Everyone in the audience seemed to be enjoying themselves, from the frat boys to the old guy from Buffalo seated near me. I really can't recommend it enough, although you'll probably be hearing that from a lot of people... Here's the trailer:
In other news, the series finale of Gilmore Girls airs tonight on The CW. I used to be a fan of the show during the first few seasons, but I stopped watching when the show started sucking, (Rory's later years at Yale). I think I'll give it one more go tonight for old time's sake though. And you can bet I'll be watching Man Vs. Wild after that.
Thanks for the posting. I'm so pumped for this movie!
Thanks for the posting. I'm so pumped for this movie!
I have the cutest kids!
-the mother of your nephews
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