Just got back from the junket for
The Last Mimzy, and I think this might be the most swag-filled junket ever. You can see all the goodies in the picture to the left. I got a T-shirt, (XL as usual...), a yoyo, a kaleidoscope, a launching spinny top, rock candy, the soundtrack CD, and my own "mimzy" toy bunny. They also had samples of the new
Mimzy themed ice cream in the hospitality suite. Now to the interviews:
Rainn Wilson: So did he remember me? I was torn whether I should bring up our first interview, but I guess I didn't need to worry. The first thing he said to me was, "Hey, I remember you." So he definitely remembered the interview, which was one of the first interviews that he did to promote
The Office along with John, Jenna, and BJ. We chatted about the film mostly; the appealing nature of the script, working with the child stars, and being directed by the head of New Line. I was able to fit in one
Office question, but I didn't get a real answer. You'll see what I mean when I get the clip up. As I was getting ready to leave the room-
Rainn: So, a lot of people have seen that interview.
Boaz: Yeah, it's one of our most popular clips.
Rainn: We were pretty crazy that day.
Boaz: Well, we were stuck in that small conference room for about an hour with that strange foreign make-up guy.
Rainn: Yeah, I remember that. I think it's still up on youtube.
I told him to send my best to his castmates and my slot was up...
Bob Shaye: He's not only the director of this film, he's also the head of New Line. This film's been in the works for over ten years because he's been a little preoccupied running New Line. He was very friendly though. I told him how
The Last Mimzy reminded me of
Donnie Darko, and he said some other people had mentioned it as well, though he's never even seen all of
Donnie Darko. He's clearly talked about this film a lot, and some of his responses seemed a bit cannned, but he did light up when I asked him about Brian Greene, (string theorist and author of
The Elegant Universe and other books), who served as a consultant on the film and even played a bit part. It was important to Bob that even though it's a sci-fi movie, that it be based on some truth of physics and the universe. Bob said he even had dinner with Brian Greene a few nights ago...
Joely Richardson and Tim Hutton: Super friendly and definitely game for some joking around. We didn't even get to a movie question for two or three minutes into the interview. The woman giving me time cues seemed a little annoyed, but Tim and Joely were the ones doing the distracting. First, they were interested in the origin of my name and we spent some time talking about possible nicknames: Bo, Bozeman, Boflex, Boaxena Warrior Princess, (that one really confused Joely- apparently she's not familiar with that show). Then as I got ready to ask my first movie question, Tim interrupted me and and wanted to know about the little embroidered insignia on my sweater. "It's a lacrosse player," Joely explained. It's one my favorite sweaters from J. Crew, although to be honest, I didn't even know it was a lacrosse player until a few weeks ago. We discussed that for a bit before we eventually got on topic. They especially liked my question about trying to come up with authentic reactions when they were filming the CGI sci-fi scenes. They tell a funny story about Rainn and Michael Clarke Duncan, but I'll make you wait for that one till the clip's up.
So I think that's it. Any questions? Want any of my swag? Let me know...
dibs on the bunny.
have you still got your Mimzy...
My little girl (4) would love one.
is yours for sale?
Hi there. Do you still have any of your Mimzy stuff? My neice has just gotten to the age of understanding the movie and she would love something for her collection. Let me know. Thanks! You can contact me via email: EmmasAunt@gmail.com
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