Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nov. 20th Episode

So here it is... The full Tenacious D interview with Jack Black and Kyle Gass. They were really chill, and very enthusiastic about playing kazoo. Jack's personal assistant was there too, filming the whole thing on a DV camcorder. I asked what they were doing and Kyle said they were making a rockumentary. After the interview, they kept on kazooing for the rockumentary camera. So hopefully our kazoos will be includede wherever this rockumentary shows up. I just used the work rockumentary three times in three consecutive sentences. Now, four times. Rockumentary, rockumentary, rockumentary, rockumentary! I wonder if that's a record?

Also on this episode is an interview with Joey Lauren Adams. I really really liked this interview. I try to keep things conversational, and sometimes that can make things seem a little stilted, but other times it can work out very nicely. This is one of those latter cases.

So without further adieu, here's the episode:

Also, stay tuned for the Hugh Jackman interview next week. It's a good one. For now I'll just tell you that during the conversation he asks me to imagine the two of us in a bath together... You know you're excited now. And as always, write with any questions/comments/whatever to boaz@clipsquips.com

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